Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Diamond in the Rough

I am in lust with diamond wall treatments.

I scoured the net for inspiration on what to do for my bedroom when i moved in to my new place. I had my typical clippings of designs for inspirations. I thought about an accent wall, but wanted something more girly and dramatic. I loved the thought of diamonds. Thought about painting diamonds on the wall, but that’s just too much taping, un-taping, letting paint dry, taping and painting again, WAY too much waiting and plus I might get distracted by another project and it will never be finished. There I am at work, (like I am now--shh don’t tell anyone) and all my mind can think of is diamonds, and colors, and accessories. I was thinking of a master plan muahhhahah- that’s my not so evil laugh- when it popped in my head RIBBON. I <3>

I pre-measured my walls and sketched it out. I came up with 12x24 inch diamonds. It would leave me with a raw edge on one side, but I made sure that’s the side the curtains will be so it really didn’t matter.

I measured the entire wall every 1’ by 2’ there are TONS of little pencil marks on the wall

I started on one side like this…



and in case you missed it, yes I collect midget feet in my pillows.


Once one diagonal of ribbon is complete, I start coming back the other way. Leaving the corners for the very end.untitled7

And as long as your measurements are correct they should come out level and even (trust me if I can do it so can you)untitled1

And voila! I totally heart my bedroom wall! Next step, custom bedroom curtains.

Before / after



I ♥♥♥ my bedroom!

I linked this up to

Keeping It Simple

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How do you do?

I’ve been somewhat of a blog-stalker for sometime, using the time in between work/softball/t-ball/baking/fishing toys out of the toilet/crafting/dinner/school to lurk in the shadows of the blog-o-sphere looking for inspiration and a sense of alliance in motherhood. I am a single mother braving the world one day at a time. I am a mommy to a 3 year old boy who definitely has a strong personality (don’t know who in the world he could get that from). We take the world on day by day. And see what adventures what amazing adventures life has in store for us.


So here’s for introductions.

Me: I am a mother, sister, daughter, baker, employee, student, maid, cook, project manager, construction worker, mechanic, lawn mower, artist, crafter, and I shall not bore you with more. I could probably go on for days I am a very independent woman and I would like to think there isn’t anything I can’t do. I am erinjoy.

Q: The strongest willed boy you have ever met. He is the love of my life, He doesn’t make life easy, but spending time with him makes my world.


hope you can join us on our adventure on this rollercoaster called life.