Thursday, September 30, 2010

and the cake is history...

I want to open a cake shop, Those who know/follow me in other realms of social networking may already know about my cake shop fantasies, for those who live in other parts of the blogosphere though, may not. I started baking with my mother when I was very small. My childhood memories consist of elaborate holiday goody trays with anything from brownies to pretzels to cookies, homeade candy... pure fantasy for anyone with a sweet tooth (especially me). We always made these trays for family, friends, coworkers, bosses, neighbors, just anyone and everyone. I didn't jump on the "cake" train until my son turned 1 in December of 2007. My good friend was taking a Wilton Cake Decorating class from Michaels, I wanted a "present" birthday cake, and my friend happened to make one that same week, I examined hers and said to myself "I can do that" so I researched fondant and the best cake recipes and so on and made my first cake.

I also made a smash cake, cupcakes, and all sorts of goodies for the party. And so began my love for all things cake.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

6 months.

I started this blog showcase all household projects, but since my mother passed away, I have refocused my life on the thing I love most. CAKE! Cake has had my sole attention for the past few months. I have been filling orders weekly with absolutely no time off, which is why this blog has been severely neglected. I am redirecting the use of this blog to mostly cakes. I would like to showcase my work. I also have a photo blog on my website. Most days I wish my mother could see the amazing things I am doing, because she loved baking even more than I do.